Why We Interview Our Newsletter Clients Monthly

At Newsletter Pro, we strive to do most of the work creating your newsletter. But you already know that good newsletter content is personal, so the most important ingredient in the mix is you. That’s why we ask each of our clients to commit to one interview each month. It’s the special ingredient that completes our secret sauce.

Our clients with the most successful newsletter campaigns understand this, but you may be wondering what the big deal is. Isn’t this why you have a writer? Do we really need to talk to you every month?

Why Interviews Are So Important

Serious african-american employee making business call focused on laptop at workplace. Black businessman consulting customer, discussing financial report. Contract negotiation and discussion concept

Storytelling is one of your most powerful marketing tools, so you don’t want to let it go to waste. You know all the reasons your product is important, but you can’t expect your customers to have that same knowledge unless you share it with them. Stories are the best way to sell your product or service because they remind your customers why they should care in terms they can understand.

Plus, readers don’t connect with business jargon — they connect with people. You can’t harness the power of relationship marketing unless you open up and tell your story in your own words.

“OK,” you might think. “But can’t I just send over some bullet points in an email and let my writer do the rest?” Well, it’s certainly better than nothing, but it’s a lot less personal. By talking to your writer over the phone, they can really capture the essence of what you want to say and write it in your voice. Plus, they can ask you follow-up questions to fill out a piece, ease transitions, and add character to your newsletter. A quick conversation adds the touch that makes your mailing feel authentic.

I’m Not That Interesting, Though!

Trust us — your life is not as boring as you think. First of all, you already own a business, which is no small feat. Most of your readers will never achieve that, so while they don’t want to hear the nitty-gritty details of your accounting strategy, they probably do want to read about challenges you’ve faced, hurdles you’ve overcome, and lessons you’ve learned.

family sitting together on a couch

Second, people love relatable stories. Knowing other people have had similar experiences and felt the same emotions makes everyone feel validated. Even better, stories build a personal connection, meaning your customers will remember you, hire you, and refer friends to you.

So, even if you’re just an average person, you still have stories to tell. Maybe you have a cute story about how you met your spouse or a funny one about the time your kids or pets made a huge mess. Do you have any unusual holiday traditions? A childhood memory you look back upon fondly? Or was there a time you overcame a personal struggle and learned something significant?

Your stories don’t have to be big — they just need to be honest. Think about the kinds of stories you tell your family at the dinner table, your coworkers in a morning meeting, or colleagues at a work function. If it’s interesting enough to share in those situations, it’s interesting enough for your readers. Better yet, our writers will know how to tell your story in the most effective and relatable way possible. (And if you can’t think of a story to tell, our writers are here to help you think of one.)

But What If I Don’t Have The Time?

We get it — you run a business, care for your family, and generally have a lot on your plate. We know your schedule is busy, and it can be hard to drop everything to chat about your kid’s Little League game.

Portrait of architect looking at camera in office

But your time is worth it because nothing else will create the connection you want with your readers. Our writers are excellent, but they can’t make up personal stories for you. (Well, maybe they could, but then you would be in for some awkward conversations with your family, friends, and customers!) And there’s only so much color they can add to generic topics. Again, you are the most crucial aspect of your relationship marketing strategy. We just can’t do it alone.

If it’s hard to block out an hour for an interview, we understand. (Our schedules are busy, too!) But even 10–15 minutes of your time can make a world of difference. We would much rather talk to you briefly than not at all, and our writers are happy to work quickly when necessary.

We know your time is valuable, but so is your newsletter campaign. If you want an impressive return on your investment, we need you to also invest a bit of your time. It doesn’t matter how much you update your mailing list or tweak the design layout — if the personal touch isn’t there, your readers will notice and quickly tune out.

So, think of a story, hop on the phone, and give us what you’ve got! Our team of pros will take it from there and create a newsletter to make you stand out from the pack.

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