What “Organizational Culture” Really Means At NLP

At Newsletter Pro, we believe that we’re more than just a business. We’re a community. That’s why we go to great lengths to stay true to our mission and “give a damn,” not just about our work but about our clients, employees, and neighbors as well. We don’t think there’s any such thing as “caring too much,” and we want to show by example what organizational culture can be at its finest. Whether it’s working with Fostering Christmas to bring presents to local foster families or helping out with emergency relief, here’s how Newsletter Pro is making a real impact. 

What “Organizational Culture” Means At NLP

Serving Our Employees

It’s no secret that Newsletter Pro is crazy about our employees — and that’s more than just a slogan. We think that what organizational culture needs the most is people who earnestly care about one another and have each other’s backs in times of need. We even take that commitment very seriously in our own business. 

In fact, three of our employees wanted to share their unique experiences with our Newsletter Pro family.

“This past spring (2022), we had one of the worst tornado seasons I have seen in a while in Mississippi. One of those storms knocked a tree over onto our fence and a small portion of our house. The whole experience was one God moment after another — from where we were when it happened, to the tree snapping instead of falling down and damaging more of our home. My husband and I did not have a way to remove the tree though, and the Newsletter Pro family stepped up to the challenge in a major way. They sent us a Home Depot gift card so that we could purchase a chainsaw and move the tree. I am not sure what we would have done without their help. We were even able to help other neighbors who were affected as well.”

Hannah Ainsworth, Marketing Project Coordinator
what organizational culture is for Hannah and her Family
damage left behind by a tree falling
fence destroyed by a tree

“I lived in the town that neighbored Mayfield, Kentucky, when the tornado hit in December 2021. My property remained relatively undamaged, but we were without power and internet for days, which prevented me from being able to work. The day after the tornado hit, I received messages from multiple team members at NLP as well as some clients; they all contacted me, just checking in to make sure I was okay. NLP helped out financially and emotionally during these stressful few days, and I couldn’t be more thankful for their support.”

Brennan Fielder, Writer

“On an evening in March 2019, I received a frantic call from my niece letting me know that my sister was on her way to the hospital via ambulance. She had collapsed in her driveway and was having severe head pain. I immediately got in my car to go to the hospital — and I got there just before they transported her. They had discovered a brain aneurysm and a subarachnoid hematoma and were sending her to another hospital that had neurologists on staff who specialized in the type of brain surgery she would need in order to survive. Once my sister was off to surgery, I tried to collect myself, and I reached out to my supervisor, letting her know that I would not be making it to work the next day and that I possibly needed to take the week off to be there with my family.

Honestly, the next week was quite a blur for me. My sister had made it through the surgery, but it would take days in the ICU before we knew if she’d be able to ever function normally again. I kept my supervisor updated on how things went, and I’ll never forget when several pizzas got delivered to me and my family as we sat in the ICU waiting room. Those pizzas were sent from my Newsletter Pro family so we wouldn’t have to worry about what we would eat for dinner that evening. And a couple of days after that, my supervisor showed up at the hospital with a beautiful card signed by my coworkers and a huge basket with all sorts of snacks for my family. As if that wasn’t above and beyond enough, a couple of days later, the company gifted me enough PTO to cover my entire week off so that I didn’t have to worry about finances while I was there with my family.

This is just one example of many that remind me that Newsletter Pro isn’t just a place to work, it’s a family — and I’m honored to be a part of it.”

Amber Barrett, Director of Client Operations

We are so humbled these employees volunteered to tell their stories. Thank you, guys! We’re honored to have been able to serve you. 

Serving Our Clients

In 2017, many of our Florida clients were impacted by Hurricane Irma. Some even had their homes damaged, and there was a good deal of rubble, fallen trees, and debris crowding out the area. One such client mentioned to us that she needed a chainsaw to clear up some of the damage. 

We were more than happy to oblige. Later, our client sent us the following message after receiving her chainsaw. 

“Oh, my goodness! This is a wonderfully thoughtful and totally unexpected gift! I’ve attacked all the wood that I could cut with my pruning shears but have quite a few thick limbs that I can’t even move. I look forward to using my new toy this week. Thanks ever so much!”

It was our pleasure! 

Over the years, Newsletter Pro has helped many of our clients impacted by similar disasters. After all, what organizational culture would be complete without a commitment to helping others? 

Serving Our Community 

Newsletter Pro is also working to make an impact here in Boise, Idaho! As you may know, we have partnered with Fostering Christmas to bring Christmas presents to children in Idaho’s foster system that don’t qualify for other programs. This year, we were delighted to also sponsor their first summer book drive

Over the years, Fostering Christmas has grown exponentially and expanded to serve foster families beyond Christmastime. Just in 2022 alone, we participated in donation efforts that provided baby supplies to vulnerable mothers, beds to young adults who have aged out of the foster care system, and laptops to students in need. But none of that could’ve been possible without the support of local sponsors and donors. So, to everyone who has helped over the years, thank you! We couldn’t have done it without you. 

Fostering Christmas is part of what organizational culture is at NLP

We hope this will serve as inspiration for other businesses just like ours so leaders can map out ways to better serve their employees, communities, and clients. We know we have benefited greatly from the company culture we have built here at Newsletter Pro, and we believe it has brought us closer together. To everyone who has shaped us over the years, thank you. Your support means the world to us, and we are grateful for it every single day.

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