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About the Author
Shaun Buck is a serial entrepreneur and the founder of Newsletter Pro. Starting his business as a teen father shortly out of high school, Shaun cut his business teeth on franchises and sales. His determination allowed him to scale his businesses quickly, and his learned experience gave him unique insight into what works in business (and what doesn’t).
In 2002, Shaun was first exposed to newsletters while running a dry cleaning franchise. One of his contract requirements was to develop and mail out a monthly newsletter to all prospects and clients.
His first several issues were disasters. The content was uninspired, boring, and sometimes even off-putting. This pushed Shaun to start thinking carefully and evaluating what content readers would actually want to see. What would make them feel engaged with the business and help to build a long-term relationship between them and the company?
So Shaun went back to the drawing board and refocused his strategy on creating informational and educational content. He began including personal stories, recurring sections, and “fun stuff” (like puzzles) within his newsletters.
Within a few short months, readership had skyrocketed. That’s when Shaun first knew he was on to something that could be big.
At the time Newsletter Pro got started, most marketing experts were certain that print was dead, or at the very least dying. But that didn’t stop Shaun. He launched his own newsletter company called Solutions Marketers in 2011, which by 2012 was rebranded as Newsletter Pro.
It’s been a little over a decade, and Newsletter Pro has been able to help thousands of businesses to grow through personalized relationship marketing. We’re still growing to this day and have seen amazing long-term success.
Over the years, Shaun Buck has also become a well-respected marketer and entrepreneur. With ties to renowned marketers like Dan Kennedy, Shaun has had the opportunity to learn from and work with the best. The information he provides in his books is written in a down-to-earth, easy-to-understand style that is accessible to all readers, no matter their level of experience. If you would like to receive a free copy of “The Ultimate Guide to Newsletters,” you can click here to request your physical copy or digital download.