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The History Of Personalization In Marketing

The History Of Personalization In Marketing

When it comes to personalization in marketing, it would be fair to say that billboards, TV ads, and newspaper ads could not target specific demographics. Instead, marketers got their message out to as many people as possible, regardless of whether they were qualified, potential buyers. But all of that started to change in the 20th century when personalization in marketing became a necessity. But what is personalization in marketing? Read on to find out!
Customer Loyalty Strategies For Nurturing B2C Relationships

Customer Loyalty Strategies For Nurturing B2C Relationships

When it comes to boosting your business’s overall profitability, nurturing your relationships with customers and prospects cannot be overstated. If you want to see higher retention rates and more referrals, then building good relationships with your clients is a must. Here are 10 customer loyalty strategies that really work (we know because we’ve tried them).