Consider your content marketing. How much of it — from direct mail to blog articles and social media posts — delivers your customers ...
Microsoft conducted a widely publicized study a few years ago that concluded the average American’s attention span was now only 8 seconds ...
In 2017, saying some variation of “millennials are lazy, self-interested, and sensitive” is common shoptalk among business owners. The ...
On quiet nights, if you listen carefully, you can hear the soft sobs of marketing managers around the world. They're crying because their ...
We often dub snail mail "traditional" (and as such, a bit dated), but your direct mail campaign should be anything but. However, it’s time ...
It takes one hell of a constitution to take on a $4 billion corporation. But that’s exactly what Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, a couple of hippies with an ice cream parlor in Vermont, did. And yes, we are talking about the famed Ben and Jerry who founded the much beloved Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream.
Is there room for originality in business? Should CEOs follow tried-and-true patterns or gamble on a more creative approach? When you look ...
It’s unfortunate how awful some direct mail campaigns are.
Bland, gimmicky postcards that flash catch phrases like “FREE MONEY” and ...
Is it possible to build customer loyalty with consumers who have never been to your business before? According to theories surrounding the ...
My company, The Newsletter Pro, grew 2,975 percent from 2011 to 2014. During this three-year period, the company went from being just me ...
You may have heard me say in the past that people are ready to buy when they’re ready to buy, not when you’re ready to sell to them. This ...
Years ago, I owned a direct mail company that specialized in new-mover mailers. Our product was similar to Valpak, in that we created and ...