We offer a lot of advice to small-business owners and entrepreneurs on this blog. Our posts often feature a no-nonsense approach and tactics we have cultivated into success. Our CEO, Shaun Buck, has lived through every experience we outline. He’s candid about his life as a teen dad and the failed business attempts of his youth. He’s also shared the wins and failures he’s experienced on his way to entrepreneurial success. We feature many stories, including his time spent on the ABC “Shark Tank” and how he prioritizes family.

Don’t you feel like you know him just a little bit better for it? If you ran into Shaun walking along the streets here in Boise, you would have something to talk about. You could ask him about his sons or his opinions on the Boise State Broncos’ football season. These are all topics we have covered in publications here at Newsletter Pro.
There’s tremendous value in Shaun’s ability to open up to his customers and prospects. We hear from clients about how much they appreciate his stories and candor.
We hope you have learned this valuable lesson, too. In fact, if you learn anything from reading our blog, print newsletter, or email newsletter, it should be this: There is power in telling your story. By embracing storytelling in your marketing, you can ensure your consumers will find you more relatable and memorable.
We’ve already seen it in action.
The Basics Of Telling Stories In Marketing
Your entire life consists of hearing stories, and while some are mundane, most capture your attention. When you sit at the dinner table tonight, you’ll hear a handful of stories from your family. They talk about their day, their commute, or something strange they ate. If you go to church, the lessons you learn are founded in stories. And when you catch up with an old friend, you share the stories about what you’ve both been doing.

As humans, we crave interaction with other humans, and our stories bring us together. This isn’t just our opinion, either. Neuroeconomist Paul Zak found that the human brain responds to stories by releasing hormones — the same ones the brain would create if the story was actually happening to the listener. For instance, we create dopamine (the feel-good hormone) when we hear a happy ending.
But there’s more than just feeling good. Zak studied the brain activity of viewers as they watched “James Bond” and other action movies. Zak and his colleagues found that it wasn’t just the ending the viewers clung to. It was the act of creating tension that captivated audiences. Because of the need to see the result of that tension, viewers were excited to keep watching. They even related to the characters in the scene, some going so far as to emulate the characters after watching the film.
Now, imagine if you could captivate an audience like 007. (Spoiler: You can!)
Entrepreneurial Tales Hook Consumers
We dare you to say you aren’t interested after hearing these entrepreneur stories.
- When John Paul DeJoria was 22 years old, he and his 2-year-old son were homeless. DeJoria actually spent two periods of his life on the streets. But things turned around for him when he co-founded John Paul Mitchell Systems — with only $700. Decades later, his brands Paul Mitchell and Patrón are some of the most well-known businesses in the world.
- In 1996, Pierre Omidyar began AuctionWeb as a way to sell some stuff he had laying around. The computer programmer’s personal site soon took off, and he had to find a way to manage the influx of customers and cash. Today, eBay — Omidyar’s AuctionWeb — is still one of the top sites for at-home sellers and collectors.
- Konosuke Matsushita’s boss wasn’t impressed with his 23-year-old apprentice of the Osaka Electric Light Company. But he invented an improved version of the light socket in Japan in 1917. Not to be deterred, Matsushita continued to tinker with his invention, eventually establishing a well-known business — so well-known that Panasonic is now worth $66 billion, according to Entrepreneur.
Now, you may not rush off to the salon to buy Paul Mitchell or scope the stock on eBay just because you know these stories. But the next time you see these brands, you’ll remember the fight of their founders. That’s staying power. That’s marketing that actually sticks with the consumer.
Imagine if the story you deem “too boring” could do that? (Spoiler No. 2: It can.)
Let’s Tell Your Stories
As the pros, we’ve heard all the excuses for not wanting to “get personal” in your marketing. Our favorites are that people “won’t care” or that an entrepreneur’s stories “aren’t interesting.” We tend to disagree; you’re not the exception! Every entrepreneur has an interesting story and learns lessons on a regular basis. It takes a special breed of person to start a business. That fuel, drive, fire, and ingenuity are your story! Sharing these anecdotes can be a powerful way to increase customer interaction and attract new leads. You’ll also ensure staying power among your consumers.

Put aside your fear of talking about yourself and make your stories a powerful component of your marketing. You can weave this theme into your email campaigns, social media posts, and print marketing to optimize effectiveness. And our team can help you harness the power of print newsletter marketing. Schedule a call with a Pro today to get started.
Remember, there’s power in the story, and it’s what consumers want. Don’t be afraid of it. Instead, embrace it and find staying power with your ideal clientele — the people who relate to your stories the most.
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