List segmentation is one of the best and easiest ways to improve your print and email marketing campaigns. This strategy allows you to send specialized offers to different groups within your audience — making it easier to connect with your customer and raise your bottom line.
“How will people remember me when I’m gone?” We ask ourselves this all the time as human beings. But do we ask it enough as business owners and marketers? Luckily, a little storytelling marketing magic can help create a business legacy that lasts.
You know that Newsletter Pro has copy editors — but you may not know that they do far more than fix grammatical errors. Here’s why our team loves having an editing department, and why your content benefits from having them on your side!
If you run a business, then you may have been told you need to have a page on every social media platform. While maintaining a strong social media presence is important for any business, we have 3 reasons why businesses should focus on quality over quantity when it comes to planning their social media and marketing strategies.
The type of content you put out says a lot about your brand. That’s why it needs to be taken seriously. But how can you ensure that your content is up to snuff? You can start by prioritizing quality over quantity when creating high-quality content.
If you’re using social media as part of your business marketing strategy, then you might be making some simple mistakes that are working against you. Here are some of our top picks for simple social media mistakes that business owners should avoid.
Getting referrals might not be easy for your business. Fortunately, asking the right people at the right time can significantly increase your chances of getting referrals — and it all starts with your print newsletter mailing list. Make sure you read this article before updating your list!
If you’re looking to implement a reliable content marketing strategy, then you cannot underestimate the power of deliverability. After all, how can your audience respond to a message they have never seen? So, that begs the question: How should you distribute your content to maximize the likelihood that your viewers will see and engage with your content? Our recent blog post answers these questions and more. Click below to learn more!
How did sci-fi grow into mainstream popularity? While “Star Wars” or “Star Trek” may be the easy answer, it’s a little more complex than that — and there’s a ton that marketers can learn from the sci-fi phenomenon.
Every good small-business owner knows that it pays to have good word-of-mouth marketing. In fact, 78% of people involved in B2B marketing believe that referral programs generate good or excellent leads. Check out our latest blog post to learn more about how to set up a good referral program that can help your business achieve long-term, sustainable growth.